Wednesday, September 14, 2005
- Exams? -
So exams are really near the corner... and i dont think tat i will be those type who will like gasp wif their mouths really wide open... stare blankly into deep space, then suddenly be awaken by a big shocked and brought back to earth by knowin tat exams are near and tat no time is left to study.....
*Terry stares blankly into space, wif mouth wide open*
*silence for a moment*
*suddenly jerk abit*
And says, " I am in deep shit now! Exams are near and i haven start studyin?!"
Nah... tis type of situation wont happen, but for a person like me... i would hope for me to be in tis type of state... coz i am jus plain lazy, lazy to the extent tat sometimes i leave studyin to the very last min and i try to cramp every single thing frm the notes into my head.... Guess i shld at least try forcing myself to study abit... if i hate it, cant be help, but a bit of toughness here will ensure me my sweet freedom after the semester exam....
So wat have i been doin 2dae.... went to sch 2dae for some maths consultation and realise tat i totally forgot how to do basic integration, then left the class around 11 plus to go wif MC to the admin block to get his sch fee paid and then wanted to go over to FC1 to meet the rest but they ended up eatin their lunch first and were on their way to the comp labs at T7, so me and MC went on wif them to the comp lab to have our "relaxation programme"...
Was playin a game of DotA halfway when YC mentioned again tat we were suppose to meet WC at JP to watch a movie at 1pm.... it was like already 12plus when we took a look at the time again.. so we left our game half way and took a train down to JP to catch the movie, " The longest yard"
This movie quite nice and funny to watch, kind of really worth the money i paid... its been a really long time since i watch such funny movie by adam sandler.... This is one movie i would surely buy when the VCD is out.... BTW, tis movie story line, i have seen it somewhere else before, its exactly the same, but tis time its change frm soccer to american football... But the team name for both movie have not changed... and the name of the prison team is called mean machines... a movie which i think its worth watchin.... find time to catch it at least for pure relaxation...

*Click the pic to see the trailer*
After the movie, went back to sch there to meet the rest, didnt get off the train, coz we were expectin them to board the train wif us... but we didnt noe tat they were at the other end of the train and we were at the first cabin, so we started walkin to the back of the train... until we came to the middle of the train and decided to exit frm one of the doors at bouna vista and rush all the way to the back of the train and enter frm there.. but wat surprise us was tat they werent at the back, they were still at dover... So we waited for them at commonwealth and boarded the train
wif them...And then we went home...
Guess tats all for 2nite.. will be hoppin to find things to write asap... otherwise tis blog is so goin to be like the previous one.... See ya all real soon
- The eternal battle between Good & Evil wages on through out Heaven, Earth & Hell -
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 11:00 PM
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
- Wats there to talk? -
Today went to church as usual.... but it was my church's 49th anniversary... and there was the church lunch after the combine service at 10am... went for it... and the lunch was so and so... today seem to be worst then all the other sundays, perhaps today wasnt really such a great day after all....
My left ankle still hurts once in awhile... guess i didnt let it really recover well frm the previous twisted ankle incident.... i come to realise something, people wif out real gd looks aint tat much "popular"? Take for example, if u guys have seen me and my brother, then u would surely noe the difference in our looks, my brother is more "shuai" then i am... perhaps i shld blame it on people's thinking tat gd looks are still better then people who are butt ugly... Dont tell me u dont have tis type of thinkin before... come on... we aint tat naive... we have at least thought of it once every single day of our life... naturally, if the person is butt ugly.. u wouldnt even pick up the idea of goin over, startin a conversation wif the person at all... dont even talk abt sayin a hello to tat person, cuz we all noe deep down in our hearts, we aint gonna do it... Am i generalising it? u ask urself tis Qs., have u ever had such a thought.. if i am wrong... then i guess u prove me wrong.... my brother naturally have much more people talkin to him then to me.... perhaps its really the "looks" issue tat got him so much attention....
Read the papers and come to feel tat singaporeans kind can really be sick..... jus the recent incident tells alot of things abt a singaporean... can u imagine... jus some dispute and a person dies jus like tat, instead of jus "Oh god! wat i have done?" and stoppin there, the person still goes onto cuttin up the dead person body and throwin it at orchard rd.... 2 incident jus like tat... cant imagine when the next one like tis will happen again... Would u do something like tat? perhaps u would have thought tat i surely wouldnt do it at all.... perhaps u would also have thought... the person should at least practise some self control and not do something to let it become something like tat..... all we can do now is jus say out wat we might think, but when the real thing comes, some times we arent able to do wat we sae before...
Got a test 2molo... study abit at least... hope i will be able to study more 2molo... at least finish up the rest of it by 2molo... Oh well.... gonna slp real soon.... have gd rest and wake up bright and early 2molo.... The exams are real close and pray hard tat i will do well tis comin semester exam.. Are u ready guys? Lets all study really hard for the up comin exam...!
- The human heart has been corrupted by the world we live in since we were born -
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 9:37 PM
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Tuesday, September 06, 2005
- Feelin Blues -
Never ever understood the reasons why such feelins even exist in my life... i somehow feel that somethings are no longer of importance... Or is it jus plain sensitivity tat makes one feel tat way?? Some parts of my life seems rather bleak once again, once i walk over some humps in life, i find tat i still reach back into the dark valley where i once came frm... there never seem to be an end to the up & downs in life, or is there?
I seek a person who can really understands the every action and things i do in life, i am desperately lookin for such a person, no matter how much i try findin, tis hope of findin him/her seems to be drawin further and further away frm me.... In tis world, friendship is jus a phrase to some people while to others it is a real bond tat exist between many other individuals.... The frenship in tis world is not very ideal, there are some instances where true frenship, as such frenship exist only due to benefit something out of tat person.... in the end, tis so called "Frenship" ends wif a backstab to ur back and u realise, wat went wrong all tis while? So y do we act as frens and turn as backstabbers, in this world, very little true frenship ever exist, and if it does exist then i would sae we are lucky to have such frenship....
The very reason tat frenship exist is not out greed, but of kindness and the joy it brings... But somehow, people in certain frenship tend to lose their importance and people tend to forget abt them, and in the end, they are left out of the picture.... As a fren, tell them u appreciate them and enjoy them to be around u, at the same time, do not let frenship to be a form of benefit for u to get something gd, it aint worth it....
Here is the song frm my blog Lost Good Things, before i end off tis entry... there is a question i need to find out," Do u all appreciate the things i do and my very existence as a fren?"
- As the flowers loses its petal, the very importance of its beauty fades as well -
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 9:31 PM
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Saturday, September 03, 2005
- Bag, Wallet and a whole lots of ice creams -
At last, another time for me to go shoppin for my stuff again.... And i finally gotten a new bag and wallet for myself again.. but tat wasnt all tat i got for myself... i also bought the Initial D VCD home, it comes wif nice magnets also... Went out shoppin wif my gang of brothers yesterday at bugis there.... went to the stall called Zinc @ EDGE... found a really nice bag which they recommended me to buy and so i bought it.... it looks kind of nice wif the patterns on the bag... Then YC also bought a pair of sunglass for himself.... he kind of like it also... We went downstair to the Wallet shop and got myself a new wallet... didnt like my other wallet, FX.... looks kind of weird... didnt knew Y i bought it in the beginning....
Then we went off to PS there... MC say he wanted to take a look at some jackets frm surf and splash ( hope i got the name correct for the store), so we took a train there.... MC saw the jacket he wanted and decides to buy it.... It cost $119... wow... anyway... it did look gd on him.... and he also bought a cap frm the store.... All in all, it cost him a total of $145, all of us were standin behind him, jus wantin to take a peek at his POSB pin no. ... YC then went into the LEVI store which was further down and he got for himself a new jeans.... Wow...! another thing tat cost abt $119! Gary and me felt tat we were in the midst of ASK ("Ah Sia Kia" - Rich Kids) ...
Today went to do BIA case study at Winnie's house... went there at around 11am and did our report frm then till around 2.30pm before we finally finalise wat we were suppose to do.... wilson went home first then Amanda and i sat around winnie house for awhile before goin off to Serangoon Mrt station to meet her fren Chun mei... the previous time promise to treat her ice cream to eat... so today was the day.... they decided to go down to Cineleisure there to eat ice cream at Cafe Cartel....
Then we order the ice cream and some food to eat... kind of weird though... the food tat i order seems to come in really large portion.... i didnt know tat they came in such big portions... anyway... my brother came down to cineleisure there and met me and the girls... so sat there for awhile before we left the place and took a cab back home, amanda and Chun mei took a cab to their church, they were in a rush.... now still kind of tired.... but there is still BIA case study to do... think i will be doing it 2molo....
BTW, jus updated some of the things in my blog, the links and the background music.. now the background music is a song called "Lost Good Things", this song is frm the movie "INITIAL D", found it a rather nice song and tis song was send to me by a fren of mine.... Enjoy the song and i hope to blog some more when i am free again....
- Bounded By chain and locks frm the sins of the world, hopin God to release this burdens -
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 9:38 PM
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