Tuesday, November 15, 2005
- Haircut -
After so long, perhaps a year or so.. i had one proper and decent hair cut .... Have been like keepin my hair for so long, not sure of wat to cut and hopin to find one suitable one to fit me... at long last or perhaps due to the nagging of my frens, i cut my hair and style it to give a brand new and refreshing look to myself....
Today went to Yew Tee there to pei WC, YC & MC and see them dye their hair... at first wanted to jus see them dye their hair... but little did i noe i join them in and had my hair cut... and no, if u thought i dye my hair.. i didnt... my parents dont allow so i guess i will jus stick to black hair...
Anyway after tat... went off to WC house there to play mahjong.. MC & YC suggested it coz jus nice got 4 pple and WC house got mahjong table and tiles... and MC scold me say last time promise him to go to WC house play mahjong but ended up never go... didnt win much... kind of really lousy at the game of mahjong... i think i suck at it....
After the game, took train back to serangoon and went back home, but before goin home had to stop by the market and get dinner for the family to eat...then after tat mum came to fetch me... And also i got some time to blog... lots of things also comin up on my schedule... lots of plannin to do wif the DCHE chapter comm members... got fun fair stall to set up, our course polo tee shirt to finalise and get it done and sell to our own DCHE students and there are lots of things i wan to get but just so little money... haiz... oh well guess i got to be savin up soon....
- Your face warms my heart, your laughter melts it and your smile kills it.... -
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 8:47 PM
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005
- Long time -
It has been really quite a long while since i put anythin into tis blog of mine, and wat i originally started out to achieve for my blog has once again become so distant again... yup, tis blog of mine seems kind of lost and also dull, there aint life in it becoz of the serious bloggin problems i have... and tis means tat i have either been too busy or plain lazy not to be able to blog anything abt my life....
But there are so many things tat happens in a person life every day, be it intrestin or even bad for them... but i hardly put those things down into tis blog of mine, pple put in their thoughts, ideas, feelins and many other concept into their blogs to let other see the type of person they are... and i am of course are one of tis type of pple....
Anyway, went to eunos tat side today to book my basic theory test date wif YC & Clarence... was quite fast in gettin the registration done while we were there.. but we left for home after we were done there... the guys took bus 58 frm there back to serangoon with me...
Went to meet my Chairman and Tacher-in-charge today, Eka & Mr Edison, discussed wif them on the issues tat are to be covered in 2molos meetin lots of plannin and stuff to talk abt and also a moral boost will be needed to raise the committe spirit to work once again... hope all goes smooth and well 2molo... its gonna be a long day 2molo wif only 2 lesson in the morning and a make-up lecture frm 3 - 5pm in sch... then frm 5pm onwards will be havin meetin and hopin to make it simple and sweet but yet there are so many to discuss and things to do...
The on-comin weeks are abt to get more tougher and harder as the assignment, projects and pratical reports come in, lots of make-up classes are goin to be made and there goes my early day off frm sch... alot of days in tis semester falls under the holiday catergory... though we get to enjoy the holidays, the make-up class will surely bring us much "suffering"....
Went over to see her blog abt a couple of days ago and notice her recent entry... i was jus wonderin was it plain coincident tat i had quite a similar thought like her... but wat ever it is... i let u pple decide it for me... i miss her~
- Regardless where you may go, my heart will always follow you... -
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 10:37 PM
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
- Short entry -
Once again i am back to sch... the holidays are now over and its time for me to put my thinkin and studyin cap back on... another semester of intensive studyin is abt to unfold... But as for 2dae and tuesday, i have been enjoyin the public holidays at hme wif my family...
Speakin abt which.. been wantin to get my hands the Nnokia N70, think it looks kind of nice, beside, the plan is now eligible for upgradin and i think i can get it hopefully by Jan, provided there aint any troubles at all... Anyway, lots of things and presents to get for tis month, coz 2 of my best buddies are havin their bdae on tis month... so have to spend quite abit and get their gifts...
2dae entry will be short and there aint anything much to sae... before i go.. here is the pic of the N70 phone...

The Nokia N70
Ah_KInG saw in the darkness 9:33 PM
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